Sunday, November 8, 2009

Franz Joseph

So this particular day consisted almost entirely of a very, very long bus ride. Not the longest we had on that trip, but dammit it was up there.
Not that I really took any pictures of the scenery either, it was raining.
They do have deer farms down there though, kind of weird, but okay... I'm not one to judge.

So you're left with these few pictures of a small selection of the menagerie of words, wise and otherwise, gratified on the underside of my bunk at our accommodation, what seemed to have become some sort of backpacker tradition.

The first says "It's not the years in your life that matter, it's the life in your years."
The second one says "Long live goats, trumpets, free meals, trees, feet, boots, ducks, and teapots."
To the mix I added "If at first you do not succeed, skydiving is probably not your thing"

This was also the first day that any of our accommodations had a piano. A very old, very, very out of tune piano, but a piano nonetheless. So, as I am clearly always prepared, I whipped out my stack of piano music and started playing, and remained a good source of entertainment throughout our dinner of spaghetti (of which they made too much, so we all ended up stuffed).
Of course people asked for requests, but lets get this straight right now alright. I'm good at piano, but I don't do it for a living. If you see someone using sheet music to play, chances are they don't know all your favorite songs by heart, so keep your trap shut.

Following dinner we went down to some hot pools, apparently fed by glacier water, which is good for you I guess. The hot pools were relaxing and nice, but the barefooted walk down the road wasn't, and since I am clearly never prepared I completely forgot to pack a towel on this trip, and had to make do with a dish cloth.
I bought a towel the next day... fat lot of good that was.

For the record, jeans actually absorb quite a bit of water before they can be considered "wet", useful stuff.

We were warned of a very early morning (especially for the people doing the glacier helicopter rides), and sent to bed. Only after they were woken up at an ungodly hour did they find out that the helicopter rides got canceled due to weather. I'd feel bad for them, but half of them were in my room, so I ended up waking up at the same time they did.

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