Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fox Glacier

So as you can imagine, we all felt like walking piles of shit after getting up so early then being told we didn't really have anything to do, then being rained on, then sitting on a long busride, then told we were going on a hike, in the rain.

So pretty much if the glaciers hadn't been awesome, there probably would have been some homicide.

Luckily for Aiden and the rest of the tour leaders, when we got to the glaciers, it was just amazing. I remember taking the pictures and thinking, this isn't going to cut it. Photo's are really a sorry excuse, there's something about just being there that makes those ridiculously monstrous, slow moving bulldozers of rock and striking blue ice seem so much more impressive. It was really a shame they had just had a mudslide so we couldn't walk right up to the glaciers, but even from the distance that we were at, they were a sight to behold.

We continued the long busride feeling a little better about ourselves (especially since, just as we were leaving another group got there, and at the same time the rain started coming down with a vengence)

After a while the rain seemed to forget about us again, so we stopped to take some extreemly windblown pictures on an overlook.

The unnecessarily tall Finnish boy on the left is named Sakari, the girl on the right is Samia. If you can't tell, that's me in the middle, getting devoured by my own hair.

Our last stop that day before arriving at our next accomidation was the nepherite jade, or greenstone factory, where they showed us how the ever popular newzealand greenstone necklaces are made, which, given the hardness of jade, was actually a suprisingly interesting tour. Of course we were given the opprotunity to spend exhuberant amounts of money in their attatched jewlry store before we were allowed to leave.

PS. I'm going to bed now, these posts are taking longer than I expected (copy and pasting from microsoft word somehow brings over a shit ton of HTML code that needs to be manually edited out, plus the pictures don't exactly upload fast. On top of that the next day is milford sound, for which there are more pictures than you can shake a stick at, so yeah, I'm not staying up for that mess. You'll have to content yourself with half the story for now, you'll get the rest tommorrow.

PSS. I can't fix these layout issues. I know it looks like shit, but I really can't do anything about it, the preview in the posting window is nothing like how it actually turns out. Sorry if it gives you a headache, but I'm sure you'll manage.


  1. pps.
    Since a: I had a more full day than I expected today.
    and b: I have school to get up for tomorrow
    and c: You guys didn't read them today, so it's not really going to make a difference.
    I'll be postponing the posting of the final posts for now in favor of an early night, sorry about that.
