Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Iron and Stone

I thought you guys might enjoy these pictures. This guy owns a whole bunch of property, and he's slowly transforming the place into a kind of junk amusement park, all by himself. Well you can't accuse him of not having ambition.

[edit] the boat at the very beginning has nothing to do with the junkyard, I accidentally posted it. It is the boat that they brought King Kong over in.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Oh, the responsibility of youth.

Boo, so last night wasn't fun.
Went to a big fund-raiser party to raise money for the schools hip-hop dance group "Scribble" to go to nationals for stage challenge. Filled to the brim with loud, drunk, idiotic douche-bags.
Events, in order
1) As we (I got a ride from my friend Gina) arrived a very drunk boy was being escorted out by the boyfriend of one of the girls he had drunkenly felt up. We all gave props to the boyfriend for not murdering him on the spot
2) Some boys caught downloading porn onto the mothers (of the girl who was hosting the party) work computer
3) Drunken molester somehow managed to get back in despite the fact that there were people guarding the door. Deduced that he must have climbed up to the second story balcony.
4) People were throwing glass bottles into the street from said balcony.
5) Mother again stopped the party to try to make the announcement to everybody that if they kept throwing bottles they'd get kicked out. People were being loud, and no one would quiet down. The majority of the noise being made was people yelling "shut up!" :facepalm:
6) Someone fell through a $1500 shower. Signal end of party. Gina and I were allowed to stay inside until her parents came to pick us up on the merit of Gina knowing the mother and both of us being well behaved. Everyone involved with Scribble stayed as well to help clean up.
7) Fight started up outside, someone got bottled, had to let bottled idiot back inside to apply pressure to wound etc. Signal cops.
8) Someone smashed a car outside
9) Cops showed up, someone tried to make a speedy getaway and was pulled over about ten meters up the road
10) Gina's parents showed up, got the hell out of there.

Oh right, and pretty much everyone's shoes got stolen. Mine didn't, Gina's did, she found them in the hands of a guy.
"Hey! Those are my fucking shoes!"
"Are they?"
-Just grabbed them and walked away-

ps. that's what NZ police cars look like.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Mexican Hat Dance

Whoo, so last night was fun.
Friend had a birthday party at a Mexican restaurant called "Las Margaritas", although for a place called Las Margaritas, their Margaritas actually weren't that great. They were too liquid (A little warm, not even slushy-ish) and salty, even for a Margarita. There was like an inch thick layer of salt goo at the bottom when I finished.
And seriously, no offence to mexicans, but really, stop with the bean paste, no one likes it.
But anyway, I finally got to use my ballroom dancing in public! They had a live band and an i-pod intermitantly. Most of the music was salsa, which is the one and only dance we don't learn in my dance class, but I got to do a rumba, a samba, and the chacha, although the "dance floor" was just the gap in-between the tables and the bar, so we didn't have room to do anything fancy, plus some random people (I'm pretty sure they were freinds of the owner, who knew Lillians [birthday girl] family, so not completely random) kept coming up to dance with us, so there was even less room. But the group of old people at the other table certainly enjoyed it, and it was really fun anyway.