Friday, March 6, 2009

I say tomato, you say cranberry?

I officially have a new number one “weirdest ass shit I have eaten in New Zealand thus far”(no it's not the dog, the relevance of that picture comes later). The other night for dinner we had pizza, except the only similarity it had to the pizza I know and love is that it was a crust with stuff on top of it, really it was the stuff on top, or the combination thereof that made it so “weird ass”. Lets start at the bottom, crust, no surprise there, okay next, tomato sauce, off to a good start. Next up, onions, okay, my dad has onions on his pizza. Pineapple, right, I’ve had pizza with pineapple before, I didn’t like it but enough people do that it’s still an option. On top of that we had chicken, meat on a pizza, that’s not surprising, but wait, it was barbeque chicken (complete with barbecue sauce), oh, ok. And one more thing to top it off… cranberry sauce! If you will notice there is no cheese.
Yesterday there was some kind of social at school for year 9 and year 13 students; the theme was “what I want to be when I grow up”. They were selling tickets and next to it they were selling hot dogs (I assume to help promote the sale of tickets), which are actually large sausages wrapped in bread. The social was apparently pretty fun, you were supposed to dress up as what you aspire to be, but that pretty much went out the window in favor of more silly stuff. I heard that somebody dressed up as pikachu, and I know at least one of my friends who was going was dressing up as a homicidal fairy with an axe.
Unfortunately I didn’t go, all the new AFS kids had to make up the gateway camp that we missed by not coming on time, so we did a mini one at our support coordinator Bev’s house. I had assumed that that would carry us through the social, but it turned out I would have been able to go. I have however resolved to go to the next one.
Luckily last night I at least had a chance to redeem my faith in pizza. One of the activities was to make one yourself; I guess to see how other cultures like their pizzas. I took the opportunity to layer mine up with cheese (grated cheese does in fact exist in New Zealand), pepperoni, ham, mushrooms, and more cheese.
Today is actually my last day at the Baxter’s. I’m moving in with my next (but not last) host family tomorrow. They don’t have any Internet, but the library is close by so I’ll still be able to post. Also that cheery young 12th year that I met on my first day has offered to help set me up with a really inexpensive (though I hope not cheap) Wifi card, so assuming someone in my neighborhood has an unsecured wireless network, I should be online within a few weeks. Sorry again for the delay to all you skypers out there, I’ll get there eventually, promise.


  1. Good luck with your new (original) family!! And, for the love of pizza, find some real food to eat! Otherwise your Italian mother will have an aneurism : )

    Oh- you never explained the 'hot dog'!

  2. yes I did,
    hot dogs are not hot dogs, but actually sausages.
